Earlier this year I was very fortunate to attend the official opening of the Queensland Art Gallery’s latest exhibition, “MIRDIDINGKINGATHI JUWARNDA SALLY GABORI
DULKA WARNGIID – LAND OF ALL”. Sally Gabori’s unique and abstract paintings depicting landscapes of her indigenous homeland have been shown in Australia and overseas. However this isn’t only what is special about Sally’s work.
Sally didn’t pick up her first paintbrush until she was 81 years old. Sally had no previous experience or training in art, in fact by the time missionaries came to move Sally and the Kaiadilt people from Bentinck Island to Mornington Island, Sally was too old to be taught how to read or write. It is believed Sally was 92 when she passed away last year, and was painting consistently for those last 11 years. When you see the size of her paintings, and realise how much creative and physical energy would have been required to create such work, one can only wonder how that was possible.
I was inspired. I asked our guide, about this, and it is believed that when Sally wasn’t painting, she appeared to have a similar level of energy, to others her age. However when Sally painted, the vigour and passion transformed her into someone half her age. Included here are a couple of private photos I took, and some from the gallery of my favourite pieces.
I said to my friend and fellow patrons, that I must share Sally’s story. It is never too late to be inspired, and to transform your career. Attending art exhibitions isn’t something I typically seek out, however If you or someone you know is looking to be inspired, perhaps share this post!
Warmly, Margie