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Tip of the Day

360 feedback, Leadership Coaching and Training. What is the most effective?

By October 9, 2018October 3rd, 2023No Comments
Leadership Coaching Tip and 360 Feedback

While conducting some recent research regarding Leadership performance and 360 Feedback, effectiveness I came across a recent study that explored the differences in behaviour change in the workplace, between:

Image result for image of 360 feedback
  • Training Effectiveness
  • Managerial Training
  • 360 degree feedback
  • Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching was shown to be as effective as Training Effectiveness, but demonstrated a greater effect than Managerial Training and 360 degree feedback.
I decided to critically evaluate the findings, as I wanted to understand how the authors came to this conclusion.
The Ashton Business School meta-analysis study reviewed 24 studies, involving 2724 participants.
In Summary identified between Leadership Coaching, 360 Feedback and Training was the following:

  • Training staff is effective, well received and results in positive learning and behavior change.
  • Managerial Training alone has a lower effect.
  • Managerial Training has a low to moderate effect when a target behavior is identified and results measured.
  • 360-degree feedback has a very low effect due to ambiguous measures and low knowledge of how to use the tool and provide feedback effectively.
  • 360-degree feedback effectiveness may be influenced by personality factors such as level of confidence in one’s ability to perform or change.
  • Internal coaching was more effective when multi-source feedback was excluded.
  • Leadership Coaching that is flexibly designed and delivered has a moderate to high effect.
  • Leadership Coaches who have a deep understanding of the workings of an organisation have an equal effect to Training effectiveness.
  • Coaching via Skype or Telephone facilitated a confidential environment (I didn’t quite understand the relevance of this to the whole study but it was mentioned).

What the research suggests is that most organisations are going to achieve better results through their people if they incorporate a multidisciplinary approach while ensuring Leaders have the appropriate skills and confidence to having coaching conversations, including:

Leadership Performance ideas:
  • Training offered to ALL staff where performance is measured before and 3, 6 and 12 months later (e.g, 360 or mult-rater) to investigate if there have been improvements. This allows the business to explore if the time and money invested has been a good return on investment (ROI) for the business.
  • “Coach the Coach” – train Leaders to be more effective in setting specific targets for themselves and their staff that are not ambiguous and help them to deliver 360-feedback in an effective way.
  • Engage a coaching program that is tailored to the individual that can be delivered in person and via phone or Skype.
  • Partner with or employ a Coach “the Coach” who is able to apply a variety of evidence-based approaches, including Training, Coaching and 360-Feedback.

If you would like to discuss this topic further, or are interested to know more about our unique coaching programs GO HERE.

I hope this information has been of value.

Margie Ireland
Leadership Coach | Workplace Psychologist

Margie Ireland is the author of The Happy Healthy Leader – how to achieve your potential even during a crisis. Margie is a registered Psychologist, Leadership Coach and Workshop Facilitator, highly sought after to help Leaders and their teams navigate stress and change with healthier coping strategies, leading to happier, healthier and high-performing teams. For more information visit www.margieireland.com

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