Re-entry. Normally a term used for space travel but now, as we know, part of the process of recovering from a pandemic.
What is your plan to re-enter, recover and rebuild?
Wow what a week! Not sure where you are watching this from, but I have been witnessing and hearing some very positive steps even during this pandemic. A client of mine shared that their team who supports vulnerable communities have risen to the challenge, and are not complaining about having to adapt to new ways of communicating and longer hours. Another organisation has introduced PJ Fridays, where all staff are encouraged to wear their PJs on video conference calls – even with clients!
Being taken into people’s homes through video conferencing I believe, is bringing us together, in more ways than we may have expected.
I have also noticed lots of comparisons of the difficulties we have been facing being compared to World War 1 and 2. In Australia this was illuminated even more on the 25th of April, when we have Anzac Day which is when we remember the Australian and New Zealand Army core for their bravery in World War 1, during the battle of Gallipoli, in 1915.
I was so proud to be an Australian on this day.
We couldn’t gather in large groups as we normally do to remember, respect and thank those who fought to keep our country safe. So instead, we got up before dawn, and stood in our driveways at 5.55am with a candle or poppies for a moment of silence. In my street I was able to hear the Last Post (a song synonymous with Anzac Day) being played in the distance.
I was so moved. We found a way to adapt, to be there and to show up for what was important to us.
We also may have found a new way to celebrate Anzac Day together as a nation which would not have happened if not for the pandemic. I see this as a silver lining.
Something leaders may also need to accept, is that even though there may be a desire to return to how things were, this may not be possible. We are most likely going to have to adapt. Even if you or your business hasn’t been as impacted as much as others, your people may have had family or friends impacted. This may have changed how they view their approach to work.
For example, you may have growing pressure to let people work from home. Or, you might have the opposite, with people desperate to get back to the office needing that social interaction, with the first few days filled with lots of chatter and not much work getting done.
Limitations on travel is definitely going to be a factor for how we communicate and do business.
What do you and your team need to change or adapt to?
What about the opportunities that may improve how you work together as a team or business?
Is there the potential of a silver lining to be found here?
Now is your time as a leader to encourage your team to seek out the silver lining, or the opportunities to be better. I mean, why choose the alternative to only see the negative? How does that help you or them?
Try this…
Ask your team to come up with ideas or suggestions on how your team or business can thrive through to the other side of this pandemic.
Use these 3 R’s as a guide – how can you, your team or business improve in:
Ask them to come up with three ideas or suggestions for each of these R’s
Asking your team for ideas and applying this strategy does two things. Firstly, this approach switches the reactive part of their brain to their problem solving brain. Secondly, it makes them feel involved, giving them a sense of more transparency and visibility which will help reduce feelings of uncertainty.
Try it. Schedule this activity into one of your upcoming meetings.
Margie Ireland works with CEO’s, executives, HR professionals, managers and leaders. Margie is a Psychologist with a strong commercial background of 25 years and specialises in supporting highly capable leaders to thrive in challenging times.