Google, Nike, Goldman Sachs, SAP and Apple have implemented wellbeing and mindfulness programs realizing a 7% decrease in healthcare costs and a productivity gain of nearly $3000 USD per employee, which represents an 11-to-1 return on their investment.
So what is Mindfulness?
Simply, Mindfulness means awareness i.e being “Mindful”. Practising mindfulness offers a way to pay attention to the present moment, without judgement, with an ability to pause and notice thoughts and judgements allowing a space between thinking and acting.
Another way of understanding Mindfulness is knowing when you are not being Mindful. Can you relate to any of these:
- Getting half-way home and not noticing?
- In a conversation or meeting and don’t know what the person just said?
- Eating lunch at your desk and not noticing the taste?
- Dwelling on the past or worrying about the future?
- This is my favourite taken from a female workshop participant “halfway through my shower, I ask myself have I shampooed and conditioned my hair? Where am I in this routine?”
Our minds can take us on journeys far away from the present. Try this little test. Next time you are driving home, stay in your car. What? I mean keep your mind in the car. Every time you notice your mind drift to “I need to do that email when I get home” or, “I have no idea what to get for dinner” or “What did she really mean by that comment?” bring yourself back into the car and notice where you are. What can you see, hear, smell, touch and even taste.
Recent research conducted here in Australia indicated that Mindful drivers have less car accidents!
Why Mindfulness Works?
It is Science Based, low-cost and easy to learn. Go Here for the Science and evidence behind it.
I have Proven It Works
In 2015, I proved that participating in a 6-minute Mindfulness practice, 4 times per week for 4 weeks increased overall wellbeing in 15 CEOs. In 2018, I proved that incorporating Mindfulness as part of improving individual and team performance lead to more cohesive teams.
Mindfulness and Leadership Performance
“We found it interesting that there were multiple correlations between mindfulness practices and leadership performance. It is possible that leaders who adopt and implement practices related to mindfulness are viewed as more caring than other leaders, thereby enhancing their reputations as emotionally intelligent people capable of engaging their workforces.” (Overholt & Vickers, 2019).
But I have an EAP program for this?
Is your EAP getting you the results you need? I absolutely support EAP providers, in fact I have worked for them. So, I understand the value they provide for employees. However, EAP is considered a tertiary or “last resort” intervention. Most of the clients I worked with accessing their EAP program may have benefited from an earlier or pro-active intervention. With increased stress, sick leave and turnover do organisations need to consider alternative ways to support their people, that are proactive and therefore able to intervene sooner?
What the evidence does suggest is group-based Mindfulness programs do work! And group-based programs are far more affordable than one-on-one coaching.
So where do I start?
If you would like to know about my group- based Mindfulness programs set up a video or phone chat here.
Join me, and other organisations in fostering workplaces where people are enabled and motivated to perform their best, even during times of stress.
Margie Ireland
Davenport, T. O., & Levin-Scherz, J. (2017). Employers use stress diagnostics to define strategy and guide action. Benefits quarterly, 33(1), 28. Overholt, M., & Vickers, M. (2014). Stress Management and Mindfulness in the Workplace. American Management Association International. Retrieved from: Schaufenbuel, K. (2014). Bringing mindfulness to the workplace. UNC Kenan-Flagier Business School. WHO (2012). Mental health: facing the challenges, building solutions. Report from the WHO European Ministerial Conference; 2005. Retrieved from: [Ref list]
I look forward to helping you achieve your goals so you can be the leader or executive you want to be, sooner.
Leadership Coach | Workplace Psychologist
Margie Ireland.